


(all 30 minutes or less!)?

How it works...


Let's JUMP right into those FALL fitness goals- no more waiting- we are getting right to it! FALL is on it's way, kids are heading back to school, it's time to focus on your fitness goals... I want you to FEEL GOOD and BE CONFIDENT in your body!

You CAN find consistency and get effective workouts in just 30 minutes.


7 days of STRONG APP access
You will get exclusive access to the STRONG training app. Once you download the app, on August 20th you will see 5 workouts on your calendar. All YOU have to do is login to the app, complete your workout, cheer on fellow challenge members and be consistent for 7 days. (p.s. I can see when YOU complete a workout and will be cheering you on too!)

3 WAYS to complete your daily workout
Each day you will have the option to complete the daily workout by...

  1. Watching the full workout video OR
  2. Press START on the app and let it guide your workout.
  3. OPEN your email: the recording will be there!

LIVE workout BONUS!
During the 7-day challenge there will be FOUR BONUS opportunities to complete your daily #FallintoFITNESS workouts with me LIVE on ZOOM- talk about accountability!

The LIVE workouts will be:

  • Monday, August 21st at 6:00am EST
  • Tuesday, August 22nd at 6:00am EST
  • Wednesday, August 23rd at 6:00am EST
  • Friday, August 24th at 6:00am EST

Don't worry, if early mornings aren't your jam, you can always catch the recording!

WIN Prizes
In order to complete this challenge, you must complete 4 out of 5 workouts AND check in on the app. When you do this you will be entered to win!

I am giving away:
- A $100 Lululemon Gift Card
- A FREE registration to Fall STRONG ($199 value)

Yes, this is going to take consistency, motivation AND a community. That is why you are doing this with hundreds of other women who will cheer you on and hold you accountable!

(This part IS optional. I know some of you may be a little gun shy getting back into the workout routine and you don't want to share AND That is NO problem. You can STILL just grab the workouts and complete them on your own!)

This challenge will SOON be a paid program ($150 value!) BUT right now it is 100% FREE!

You have questions, we have answers!

What do I need to complete this challenge?
All you need is a set of dumbbells! We are using these SEVEN days to get you more consistent with your fitness so I want you to use what you have!

Is this challenge for beginners?
This challenge IS beginner friendly AND can also be made as challenging as YOU need. All exercises are basic strength moves and can be modified AND amped up to make more challenging. Remember the goal for this is consistency!

What are the workouts like?
These workouts will be a combination of strength based workouts and bodyweight interval workouts. In just 30 minutes or less we will get your heart rate up and get your muscles burning. They will be QUICK and easy to follow.

Do I HAVE to log into the app and track the workouts?
Absolutely NOT. The tracking and accountability is ONLY for the prizes. If this is not your jam, you can still download the app to grab the workouts and do them on your own. TRUST me you will love these quick, effective workouts.

Can I really get a good workout in 30 minutes?
YES! You can 100% get in a good workout in 30 minutes. We will get those muscles burning-- trust me!

I need to lose weight, will this help?
These 7 days WILL ABSOLUTELY get you on the right track with consistency to meet your fat loss goals. These strength and HIIT based workouts will leave your body burning fat even after the workout is OVER. That is a WIN- WIN!

How do I win?
Everyone who completes 4 workouts will be entered to win prizes, including gift cards and a FREE spot in Fall STRONG, my signature program which starts September 4th, 2023

More to come once you register (scroll down and click the button to join now) and as always, if you have any questions, you can always email me: [email protected]

Join the Free challenge now!


    "I’m finally able to stick to a workout routine thanks to Hollie! Her program has allowed me to find my confidence again in my workouts and has allowed me to push myself in a safe and effective way!"

    - Tracey

    "I am not a stranger to working out, weight lifting or to trying to lose weight. I have been working out since high school and this program just hits all the right buttons. The workouts are challenging and progressive. And you don’t even need to leave your house!"

    - Jenn

    "I had the hardest time getting motivated enough to press play with other online workout programs…Hollie’s program has been so motivating and encouraging and IT WORKS! I don’t hesitate to press play anymore-I look forward to it!"

    - Allison

    Hi! I'm Hollie

    I'm the creator of STRONG; a strength training program for busy women.

    I coach women to get results by lifting weights, ditch the cardio craze and to BE PROUD of the bodies they have been given.

    As a certified personal trainer and nutrition coach I've worked with thousands of women over the last 14 years. I help women get stronger, leaner and ultimately have confidence in their bodies.

    The biggest barrier I see for busy women is finding time make fitness a consistent priority while juggling motherhood, careers and the many other hats they wear each day. So I have created STRONG to take the guess work out of your workouts and make it simple, fast and effective to workout!

    My goal in #FallintoFITNESS is to help YOU prioritize your workouts so you start to SEE RESULTS: get strong, get lean and get fit!

    Let's do THIS, SEE YOU on the app!

    The #FallintoFITNESS challenge will help you get into a routine, keep you accountable and get you motivated to achieve your fitness goals!

    Hollie Nicholson

    Fitness & Nutrition Coach

    Creator of STRONG